
lab2 USGS Topographic maps

1. Beverly Hills

2. Quadrangle1: Canoga Park
    Quadrangle2: Van Nuys
   Quadrangle3: Burbank
   Quadrangle4: Topanga
   Quadrangle5: Hollywood
   Quadrangle7: Venice
   Quadrangle8: Inglewood

3. 1966

4. National geodetic vertical datum of 1929,
    North American Datum of 1927,
   North American Datum of 1983.

5. 1/24000

6. a) 5cm × 24000 × 1m/100cm =1 200m

    b) 5inches × 24000 × 1in/63360mi =  1.89miles

    c) 1m × 1/24000 × 63360in/1mi = 2.64inches

    d) 3km × 1/24000 × 100000cm/km = 12.5centimeters

7. 20ft

8.  a) the Public Affairs Building: 34° 4' 30'' North 118° 26' 14'' West or 34.0749° North 118.4372° West

      b) tip of Santa Monica pier is: 34° 0' 25"North 18° 29' 56"West or 34.007°North 118.499°West

      c) the Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir is: 34° 7' 10'' North 118° 24' 37''West or 34.1195° North 118.4104° West

9. a) Greystone Mansion:  560feet/170.69meters

    b) Woodlawn Cemetery: 140feet/42.67meters

    c)  Crestwood Hill Park: 700feet/213.36meters

10.  UTM zone 11

11. 3,763,000N and 361,500E

12. 1,000,000 square meters


The two red points show the elevations of ucla.

14. The magnetic declination of the map is 14 °E

15. The stream flows south



